As most of you know I was recently hospitalized for 2 weeks in January. I tried to keep in touch the best I could via my nook, but nooks have limitations compared to a full web browser, so my contact was hit and miss.
What I want to say is thank you to everyone who sent me well wishes, posted kind thoughts and messages and hoped for a speedy recovery for me. It was lonely at times up in the hospital all alone, but when I flicked on my nook and checked my facebook or email, there was always a message or two from someone that helped keep me going.
It was extremely hard being in the hospital, not so much because of why I was there and my health issues, but because the political activism that runs through my blood. During the 2 weeks I was in the hospital, 2 large political events took place that I had planned on attending.
The MLK Day March to Snyder's House and then the Protest at the Capitol During the State of the State address. I was literally jumping out of my skin watching the State of the State on TV...and not being able to be there. BUT I will say, I do feel I contributed the best I could from a hospital bed; miles and miles away. I was in direct contact via cell phone and facebook with my Co-Host and Producer of our radio show, who was at the State of the State protest. Since the protesters had been locked out of the Capitol, they really didn't know what was going on, so I was able to relay information to my producer via cell phone and facebook as to what was occurring and was able to direct the protesters where to go to meet up with the elected officials as they exited the Capitol. I was glad that I was able to help even in that small capacity from my hospital bed, but I so wished I could have been there.
Another HUGE thanks, hugs and mad props goes out to the newly formed "Autumn's Fan Club" peeps. (You know who you are) for having pizza and pop delivered to my hospital room and to the nurses station also. After being in the hospital for over 1 week, you can only eat the same thing so many times and I had been through the menu many times already. So my friends in my fan club got together and sent up pizza for me and also for the nurses station. That was so awesome and the nurses were so surprised and amazed at how well orchestrated pizza that came from various areas of the state ended up in my room. So Huge thanks to all of my fan club peeps.
Also something that I want to point out. Many of the messages and well wishes and even the pizza that was sent was sent by people I had never met or had maybe only briefly met in person once or twice. These are people whom I have networked with via facebook/email and social media. These were not friends from 20 years ago, or neighbors. These were for the most part kind, caring strangers. Who happen to give out pizza instead of candy...(Just kidding! LOL) But it just goes to show how strong we are when we stand together. When we support each other and when we not only believe in change, but we make it happen.
I owe so much to so many people who have helped me on some way shape or form, people all over the state of Michigan and people in Wisconsin and even others in other states like Oregon. (Yes, Hi, Betsy <3). I wish I could pay them back in some way.
What I can do is make a promise. To keep fighting. Never give up. Whether I am in a hospital bed with cords and machines hooked up to me. Or in a wheelchair. I will fight. I will fight using the words, my voice and speech that was guaranteed via our Constitution. I will fight. I will fight when I am able to go out and publicly demonstrate and assemble. Another right guaranteed by our Constitution. I will share stories, report on news and give out as much information as I am able. Another right, freedom of the press, guaranteed by our Constitution.
But more importantly....when these rights are being grossly violated.(as they have been lately), I promise to stand in solidarity with my brothers and sisters and peacefully restore democracy back to this Great State of Michigan and our Great Nation.
I want to be proud to be an American, and I am thankful that I am surrounded by other like-minded people who support me both personally and politically.
Friends....this is for you. I know you care.
Take a bow.
We are the change.