Thursday, November 29, 2012

Michigan GOP Seek to Privatize Public School System During 'Lame-Duck' Session

During their lame duck session, Michigan Legislators are trying to push through legislation that would destroy Michigan's public education system as we know it. House Bills 6004 and 5923 and Senate Bills 1358 and 620 seek to privatize Michigan's public school system. Many school administrators and superintendents from throughout the state are speaking out against this package of bills and warning the people of their district about the extreme and potentially damaging effect these bills present if passed and signed into law. 

Rob Glass, Superintendent of Bloomfield Hills; even went as far as to publish a letter on the school's website to warn residents about these bills and encouraged people to contact Governor Snyder and various legislators to stop the privatization of Michigan's schools and to vote against this package of bills. Along with administrators and superintendents from across the state, the Michigan State Board of Education is also against this legislation.   

In short, what this legislation will do if passed, is it would create a separate statewide school district (Education Achievement Authority) that is overseen by a governor appointed chancellor that operates outside the authority of the State Board of Education. This also would mean that these schools are exempt from the same laws as other public schools. The EAA can also seize and force sale or lease unused school buildings to charter, EAA or other non-public schools.  This legislation also creates new forms of online and charter schools with no limit on the number of these schools that are created. Public schools would have to charter these schools if they chose to create them. This bill would further strain the funding and resources to public schools as it would create more schools that would need to be funded. Senate Bill 620 is known as 'The Parent Trigger Bill' and although the name of the bill sounds like it puts parents in control what it actually would do is allow the lowest achieving 5% of schools to become charter schools. This also would allow parents or teachers to petition for a reform model which in return, would end the local, community control of a school and would hand over taxpayer owned property and money to for-profit companies. It does nothing to address or develop community and parent involvement in local school districts. 
Photo Credit:

Who is behind this power grab and privatization of Michigan's Education System? None other than the conservative think tank, The Mackinac Center for Public Policy. Co Founder Richard McLellan has formed a group named the Oxford Foundation, who under the guise of 'school reform' back and support this package of bills. Governor Rick Snyder has asked McLellan and his group to oversee the rethink of public school funding in the state.    

It appears that the Michigan GOP is willing to put anything up for sale-including Michigan's education system. If passed, Michigan's tax payers will be funding private corporations and companies that operate outside of the State Board of Education and are only answerable to a Governor appointed chancellor. This is full blown privatization and emergency management of Michigan's Education system. Republican State Representative and EAA Committee Chair, Lisa Posthumus Lyons was quick to introduce this legislation only two days after the election, in hopes that it will pass during Michigan's three week 'lame duck' session.

I personally question the legality of this whole situation and the EAA. The EAA was put in place to control Detroit's school district under Public Act 4, also known as 'the emergency manager law.' On election day, in a referendum vote, Michigan voters in 77 of Michigan's 83 counties voted to overturn PA 4, but yet emergency managers remain and now the EAA is aiming to privatize and control Michigan's entire education system. This package of bills is a attempt to circumvent the will of the people who voted against PA 4. 

In response to this extreme legislation a petition has been created to raise your voice and once again speak up and out against this horrific legislation.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Never Felt So Confident Voting 3rd Party; Gary Johnson of Course

Election Day is approaching and the choice of which direction this country is going will be up to the American People. (Or a few select Republican investors of Diebold). 

I am constantly being asked who I am voting for. Most people that know me know that I am not a Romney fan AT ALL, so they just assume that I am voting for Obama. When I tell them that I do not care for Obama any more than I do Romney, they still assume that I will play the 2 party game and pick the "lesser of the 2 evils."

That is where they are wrong. 

I am proud to say that I will be voting for Libertarian Presidential Candidate, Gary Johnson on November 6th. And I have NEVER been more confident of my choice. Go ahead, say that I am wasting my vote, because the way I feel about the 2 party system is that neither candidate or party is even worth my 'wasted vote.'

I have been asked many times what would it take for me to vote for Obama. So I have compiled a list of what I feel would need to change in order for me to consider voting in the 2 party system.

* Repeal HR 347
* End all wars and bring the troops home NOW
*Stop Drone bombing and the use of drones for surveillance
* End the Drug War
* Legalize Marijuana
* Repeal NDAA
* Repeal The Patriot Act
* End Citizens United
* Legalize Same-sex marriage
* Free Bradley Manning-and pardons Julian Assange
* Ends funding for mercenaries
* Prosecutes Wall Street/Bankers responsible for the 2008 financial collapse

Photo Credit: Wil Levins via Google Images
Here is the cool thing. I don't have to wait for Obama to do this, or give him another term in hopes that he will accomplish these things. Instead, I have a clear choice on November 6th, to vote for someone who has consistently talked about these issues, has taken a stand and has a track record to back up his ability to make change happen. 

His name is Gary Johnson and his is ready to get shit done.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Gary Johnson on my former radio show this past July. Johnson was very cool to talk to and his stances have not changed from when we spoke. He has remained consistent and is brutally honest about the state of the country and what needs to change. Gary Johnson is one of only a handful of politicians that believes in freedom, liberty and transparency. He is sick of the 2 party monopoly that has corrupted this country. He can see through the bullshit and has no problem calling anyone out on it regardless of party affiliation. 

You can check out Gary's tax plan for turning the country around at  

It's time for us to stop bitching and moaning about politics and wishing for change. Instead we need to stand with Gary Johnson this election season and end the 2 party regime and allow the real issues to take the stage and real change to occur.

Wish no more. Make Change Happen. 
Vote Freedom. Vote Liberty.
Vote Gary Johnson for President. 

PS-My fellow Michigan peeps, be sure to WRITE IN Gary Johnson-as MI SOS Ruth Johnson (no relation) Kochblocked Gary Johnson from appearing on the ballot. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

I Pledge My Allegiance To No Party

Many people think that I am a Democrat. I use to identify as a staunch Republican, but over the past few years my views have changed.

Let me make one thing clear. I do not pledge my allegiance to any party whatsoever. The Democratic and Republican Party are the same in my opinion. They each champion different causes, but I have found that they do it in the same manner.

Photo Credit:Google Images 
When I look at the Democratic and Republican Party I see these two empires with their own agenda. I also see that they each are wanting to win, no matter the expense. They attack each other, accuse each other of various things, but when you boil everything down and really examine things, it's like looking in the mirror and attacking yourself.

Each party has things in their 'arsenal' that they use to boost themselves up. Although their arsenals may not be tit-for-tat 100% equal, it winds up being basically a draw in the end. Below I will give some examples:

  • Democrats have the support of the Unions, whereas Republicans have the support of corporations.
  • Republicans have the Koch brothers, whereas Democrats have George Soros and Warren Buffett. 

 Another thing that these parties have in common is this 'ride or die' all or nothing mentality. Win at all costs. Yet each party continually bitches about the other party doing shady shit and when you can look at both parties, chances are they are both doing shady shit. The accusing party justifies it because they are doing it in the name of said party. I call bullshit.

I have not found room for a person like myself in either of the major two parties. I am a person who values the truth. I call people and groups on their bullshit no matter if I agree or not with them. Truth and transparency are not negotiable. I do not believe in following blindly and pledging my allegiance with some group or party. I refuse to be a sheeple. I don't like the 'by any means necessary' tone that both the Dems and Republicans have.

I get this feeling from the Dems and GOP that if you don't follow them in lockstep then you are out. If you criticize anything that the party does, or stray a millimeter away or you do not just follow along with the will of the party, then you are automatically assumed to have the worst of intentions and are ostracized. I am of the belief that that type of behavior, blind obedience may be what got us to where we are in the first place. That blind obedience is what has polarized the two parties so much.

I guess the important thing is to be confident in your beliefs and stand firm in them. Don't just go along to get along. Truth is not subjective, does not change and has no agenda. At times I may be standing alone, and I am ok with that, because as the two parties march on, I can see that for whatever reason, they have marched past the truth.  My morals and values tell me my job is to be transparent, honest and stand by the truth, even if I am standing alone.
Photo Credit:Google Images

Feel free to join me.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Michigan PA 4 of 2011 vs Enabling Act of 1933

We are all well aware by now of the political climate in which we live. Extreme and draconian legislation is being pushed through and signed in to law faster that it takes one to even read the bills being written. Fascist is the more common term being used to describe the new breed of GOP that is currently in power. Usually when name calling occurs in politics, its more out of frustration and anger. The scary thing is there is truth behind calling the GOP and their legislation fascist. 

Most of us are familiar with what the Enabling Act of 1933 is. In short,

The Enabling Act was passed by Germany's Reichstag and signed by President Paul von Hindenburg on 23 March 1933. It was the second major step, after the Reichstag Fire Decree, through which Chancellor Adolf Hitler legally obtained plenary powers and established his dictatorship. It received its name from its legal status as an enabling act granting the Cabinet the authority to enact laws without the participation of the Reichstag. The act stated that it was to last for four years unless renewed by the Reichstag, which occurred twice.

The Reichstag has passed the following law, which is, with the approval of the Reichsrat, herewith promulgated, after it has been established that it meets the requirements for legislation altering the Constitution.
Article 1. National laws can be enacted by the Reich Cabinet as well as in accordance with the procedure established in the Constitution. This also applies to the laws referred to in Article 85, Paragraph 2, and in Article 87 of the Constitution.
Article 2. The national laws enacted by the Reich Cabinet may deviate from the Constitution as long as they do not affect the position of the Reichstag and the Reichsrat. The powers of the President remain undisturbed.
Article 3. The national laws enacted by the Reich Cabinet shall be prepared by the Chancellor and published in theReichsgesetzblatt. They come into effect, unless otherwise specified, the day after their publication. Articles 68-77 of the Constitution do not apply to the laws enacted by the Reich Cabinet.
Article 4. Treaties of the Reich with foreign states which concern matters of national legislation do not require the consent of the bodies participating in legislation. The Reich Cabinet is empowered to issue the necessary provisions for the implementation of these treaties.
Article 5. This law becomes effective on the day of its publication. It becomes invalid on April 1, 1937; it also becomes invalid if the present Reich Cabinet is replaced by another.

Public Act 4 of 2011 which was passed and signed in to law by MI Gov. Snyder mirrors that of the Enabling Act. In HB 4214, (PA 4 of 2011), Section 19 (cc) states that:
"For municipal governments, with approval of the governor, disincorporate or dissolve the municipal government and assign its assets, debts, and liabilities as provided by law."

The Reichstag in Germany would be the equlivalint to Congress, or local elected officals, elected to represent their constituents. Gov. Snyder would be the equivlient of President Paul von Hindenburg and or Adolf Hitler. He by siging PA 4 into law gave himself dictatorial powers, to at his own discression, can appoint "mini dictators" or "EFM's" to come in and take over a town, city, school district ect, for any reason sufficent unto himself.  These EFM's can then come in and over throw the local government officials or (Reichstag), and have a one man control of that establishment.

With this law, there is no democracy. There is no system of checks and balences. The voice of the voters can be taken and stripped away. Elected officials rendered powerless.

Gov. Snyder says that he does not plan to use the EFM law, but yet has over 300 potential EFM's trained or being trained to take over. Sound familar? Think back to Hitler and the Brown Coats.

The EFM law has been on the books before Snyder. BUT its the NEW sweeping, fascist powers that PA 4 gives to the Governor and the EFM's that is the issue. The prior EFM law worked more like a credit counseling agency. Say a town was having finnacial difficulties. The Gov. would send somene in to work WITH the local elected officials, to HELP them figure out and work out whatever issues were ocurring. No one lost their elected position to this one individual, and therewas a system of checks and balances in place and accountability.

I was taught about the horrors of Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. Never once, did I think it could happen again...especially here in the USA. Yet, I find myself carrying a contraversial to some, sign bearing the swastika with Hitler and Snyder's faces saying "The Fourth Reich?" I carry this as a warning, not as a joke or disrespect to those who perished at the hands of a vicious dictator. We must be vigilant.

"Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it." 

I remember history....
I also remember that we live in a Democracy and this is NOT what Democracy looks like.

Democracy is NOT negotiable.

Feel free to read the Enabling ACT and PA 4 of 2011 and compare the two.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Government So Small It Fits into a Woman's Vagina

The GOP clown show continues....well it never really ended.

There are so many other important issues going on in this country that need and should be addressed by congress, but they don't seem to have time or an interest in important things like, creating jobs, reducing the unemployment rate, regulating the oil industry, regulating Wall Street and the big banks, fixing the tax code so that rich people pay their fair share ect. Instead our government is on a vagina and contraception kick and it is spreading to other states like a bad case of herpes.

In 2011, Mississippi introduced a "Personhood Amendment" which would have declared that life begins at fertilization. This amendment would have also made birth-control, contraceptives and abortions illegal. The religious and medical communities were divided on this issue. In November 2011, when put on the ballot as "Proposal 26" the voters ultimately struck it down. But the fight didn't stop there. It just moved to other states.

In 2012, The Virginia legislature introduced a similar bill only a bit more extreme. This bill would have forced a woman seeking an abortion to undergo a trans-vaginal ultrasound. For those not familiar with what a trans-vaginal ultrasound is, let me explain. A phallus shaped probe with a condom covering it, is inserted into the woman's vagina and ultrasound is obtained via the probe inside the woman's vagina. The ultrasound tech/doctor would then aim the ultrasound screen at the woman and describe the state of the fetus, heartbeat ect and the woman would have to look at the screen.

This bill caused nation wide outrage, as it should have. This forced trans-vaginal ultrasound amounts to state mandated rape. Rape is defined by the FBI as and (many states) is “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” 
This bill, if it were made in to law, would fit the criteria and definition of rape and has been described as "state-mandated rape." So after the nationwide outcry, the Virginia Governor, Robert McDonnell dropped his support for the trans-vaginal/anti-abortion bill. Here is his statement:

I am pro-life. I believe deeply in the sanctity of innocent human life and believe governments have a duty to protect human life. The more our society embraces a culture of life for all people, the better country we will have. Over the course of my 20-year career in elected office, I have been glad to play a leading role in putting in place common-sense policies that protect and defend innocent human life in the Commonwealth. One of those bills was Virginia’s informed consent statute, of which I was the chief patron in the House of Delegates, finally seeing its passage in 2001. This session, the General Assembly is now considering amending this informed consent statute to include a requirement that any woman seeking an abortion receive an ultrasound in order to establish the gestational age for appropriate medical purposes, and to offer a woman the opportunity to voluntarily review that ultrasound prior to giving her legal informed consent to abortion.
Over the past days I have discussed the specific language of the proposed legislation with other governors, physicians, attorneys, legislators, advocacy groups, and citizens. It is apparent that several amendments to the proposed legislation are needed to address various medical and legal issues which have arisen. It is clear that in the majority of cases, a routine external, transabdominal ultrasound is sufficient to meet the bills stated purpose, that is, to determine gestational age. I have come to understand that the medical practice and standard of care currently guide physicians to use other procedures to find the gestational age of the child, when abdominal ultrasounds cannot do so. Determining gestational age is essential for legal reasons, to know the trimester of the pregnancy in order to comply with the law, and for medical reasons as well.
Thus, having looked at the current proposal, I believe there is no need to direct by statute that further invasive ultrasound procedures be done. Mandating an invasive procedure in order to give informed consent is not a proper role for the state. No person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state, without their consent, as a precondition to another medical procedure.
For this reason, I have recommended to the General Assembly a series of amendments to this bill. I am requesting that the General Assembly amend this bill to explicitly state that no woman in Virginia will have to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound involuntarily. I am asking the General Assembly to state in this legislation that only a transabdominal, or external, ultrasound will be required to satisfy the requirements to determine gestational age. Should a doctor determine that another form of ultrasound may be necessary to provide the necessary images and information that will be an issue for the doctor and the patient. The government will have no role in that medical decision.
 I have requested other amendments that help clarify the purposes of the bill and reflect a better understanding of prevailing medical practices. It is my hope that the members of the General Assembly will act favorably upon these recommendations from our office. We will await their action prior to making any further comments on this matter.”
Seeing the outrage and backlash this bill has received, even from some pro-life supporters you would think this bill would never see the light of day. Nope. Now its just making its way to another state, my state to be exact, Michigan. Below is a breakdown of Michigan's Anti-Choice Legislation:

SB 0013--Fetal Personhood
● This bill would amend the state’s legal code to include “fetus” as part of the definition 
of “individual” in every part of the law. Expanding the legal definition of a person to 
include “fetus” has obvious implications for abortion rights.

SB 0025/HB 4119--Disposal of Fetal Remains
● This bill, regulating the disposal of fetal remains, would likely be used to further hamper clinics’ ability to function by creating tighter regulations. It could also have questionable implications for women suffering miscarriages.

SB 0051--Prohibits Research on Aborted Embryos and Fetuses

SB 0135--Parental Notification for Abortion
● This bill would strengthen the parental notification laws by making it impossible for a minor to appeal a court’s decision not to grant a waiver to the parental notification law (it is already law in MI that minors must have parental notification to obtain an abortion).

SB 0313/HB 4433--Ultrasound Equipment
● This bill would mandate that a woman receive an ultrasound using “the most
technologically advanced equipment available” a minimum of two hours prior to
obtaining an abortion. It would also require that the monitor be turned toward the
woman, and that the doctor (or technician) give a detailed description of the current fetal development during the ultrasound.

SB 0420/HB 4688--Prescription of Medical Abortion
● Prohibits the prescription of drugs to chemically induce abortion without a prior physical examination.

SB 0523/HB 4715--Regulating Abortions After 19 Weeks
● This bill would mandate that all abortions post-19 weeks take place in a facility with a neonatal care unit, to potentially save the life of an infant that was delivered alive after an attempted abortion. In addition to the obliviously problematic implications of trying to “save” aborted fetuses, this would severely limit the availability of such late term abortions (which are nearly always done for serious health reasons).

SB 0612, 0613, 0614/HB 4143, 4147, 4776--Insurance
● All prohibit the coverage of abortion via state health insurance, except through the purchase of an additional rider (which does not actually exist as an option).

SB 0876--Liability Insurance for Abortion Providers
● Strengthens the requirements for liability insurance for abortion providers, making it more difficult for physicians to provide abortions.

HB 4799--Prohibition of “Coercive” Abortion
● This bill would make it a crime to coerce a woman to have an abortion against her will, and could target--among others--any spouse/partner (or parent of a minor) who encouraged a woman to seek an abortion (though it is perfectly legal to coerce a woman not to have an abortion).

● Additionally HB 5134 would mandate an “oral screening” of all abortion-seeking women to determine whether they were being coerced into their decision, and a further 24-hour waiting period would be enforced if the screening revealed evidence of coercion.

HB 5242--State Funding for Abortion Providers
● This bill would prohibit any state contracting with facilities that provide abortion. No hospitals or clinics which provide abortion as even a tiny portion of their services would be eligible for any state funds or contracts.

HB 5343--”Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”
● This bill would prohibit all abortions at 20 weeks gestation and beyond, except in cases where death of the mother would otherwise result. The bill specifically spells out that emotional and psychological concerns do not count as medical reasons for abortion, and that the threat of suicide does not qualify as a threat to the mother’s life.  

I was always told that the GOP stood for small government. It seems as if the only thing they seem to care about is what people do with their genitals, in their bedroom, who they marry, abortion and contraception. So I guess in a way the GOP is living up to small government. Small enough to fit in a woman's vagina. Which also means they are living up to the name that many people call them: douche-bags.
Hey after all, douches fit in a woman's vagina....

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thank You

As most of you know I was recently hospitalized for 2 weeks in January. I tried to keep in touch the best I could  via my nook, but nooks have limitations compared to a full web browser, so my contact was hit and miss.

What I want to say is thank you to everyone who sent me well wishes, posted kind thoughts and messages and hoped for a speedy recovery for me. It was lonely at times up in the hospital all alone, but when I flicked on my nook and checked my facebook or email, there was always a message or two from someone that helped keep me going.

It was extremely hard being in the hospital, not so much because of why I was there and my health issues, but because the political activism that runs through my blood. During the 2 weeks I was in the hospital, 2 large political events took place that I had planned on attending.

The MLK Day March to Snyder's House and then the Protest at the Capitol During the State of the State address. I was literally jumping out of my skin watching the State of the State on TV...and not being able to be there. BUT I will say, I do feel I contributed the best I could from a hospital bed; miles and miles away. I was in direct contact via cell phone and facebook with my Co-Host and Producer of our radio show, who was at the State of the State protest. Since the protesters had been locked out of the Capitol, they really didn't know what was going on, so I was able to relay information to my producer via cell phone and facebook as to what was occurring and was able to direct the protesters where to go to meet up with the elected officials as they exited the Capitol. I was glad that I was able to help even in that small capacity from my hospital bed, but I so wished I could have been there.

Another HUGE thanks, hugs and mad props goes out to the newly formed "Autumn's Fan Club" peeps.  (You know who you are) for having pizza and pop delivered to my hospital room and to the nurses station also. After being in the hospital for over 1 week, you can only eat the same thing so many times and I had been through the menu many times already. So my friends in my fan club got together and sent up pizza for me and also for the nurses station. That was so awesome and the nurses were so surprised and amazed at how well orchestrated pizza that came from various areas of the state ended up in my room. So Huge thanks to all of my fan club peeps.

Also something that I want to point out. Many of the messages and well wishes and even the pizza that was sent was sent by people I had never met or had maybe only briefly met in person once or twice. These are people whom I have networked with via facebook/email and social media. These were not friends from 20 years ago, or neighbors. These were for the most part kind, caring strangers. Who happen to give out pizza instead of candy...(Just kidding! LOL) But it just goes to show how strong we are when we stand together. When we support each other and when we not only believe in change, but we make it happen.

I owe so much to so many people who have helped me on some way shape or form, people all over the state of Michigan and people in Wisconsin and even others in other states like Oregon. (Yes, Hi, Betsy <3). I wish I could pay them back in some way.

What I can do is make a promise. To keep fighting. Never give up. Whether I am in a hospital bed with cords and machines hooked up to me. Or in a wheelchair. I will fight. I will fight using the words, my voice and speech that was guaranteed  via our Constitution. I will fight. I will fight when I am able to go out and publicly demonstrate and assemble. Another right  guaranteed  by our Constitution. I will share stories, report on news and give out as much information as I am able. Another right, freedom of the press,  guaranteed by our Constitution.

But more importantly....when these rights are being grossly violated.(as they have been lately),  I promise to stand in solidarity with my brothers and sisters and peacefully restore democracy back to this Great State of Michigan and our Great Nation.
I want to be proud to be an American, and I am thankful that I am surrounded by other like-minded people who support me both personally and politically.

Friends....this is for you. I know you care.
 Take a bow.                
We are the change.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sunday Bloody Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday. An American made 'holiday' if you will. People who don't normally watch football usually give in to this American tradition. Pizza, beer, chips and friendly bets are aplenty. Its one day where we can kick back, relax have fun and put our political beliefs aside....

Or can we???

According to Think Progress, viewers in 40 cities across America will be subject to a commercial containing  graphic images of bloody aborted fetuses surrounded by religious icons and figures. This commercial is being put on by Democratic Presidential  Candidate Randall Terry, who has been arrested 50 times for his anti-abortion stance.

Regardless if you are pro-choice, anti-choice, pro-life or whatever this is America and politics are bound to rear its ugly head even on Super Bowl Sunday. I am not sure exactly what this man is hoping to accomplish by running these commercials. He obviously chose a time that would have the largest viewing audience maybe in hopes to sway people to vote for him, but regardless his intentions you have to keep a few things in mind.

1. Abortion is a hot-button issue. Most people stand firm in their beliefs and views about abortion. I highly doubt any rational human being is going to be quick to do a 180 on their beliefs, morals and values based on a political ad they saw by a unknown Presidential candidate's commercial during the Super Bowl.

2. Pro-choice people who are secure with their beliefs will be quick to see this as a desperate attempt to get name recognition on the biggest television stage on earth. Also, most of them are smart enough to recognize propaganda when they see it as it has been constantly shoved down their throats from far right groups such as Focus on the Family, Pro-Life Action League and their "Face the Truth" tours.

3. This is America, where we have free speech. No mater if you agree or disagree with the message, they way they choose to display it or the mediums in which they do, we need to respect that just as we have the right to free speech, so do other groups whose message we may oppose. Their freedom is our freedom, the only way we can keep our rights to to allow everyone to partake in them.

Happy Sunday Bloody Sunday....