The GOP clown show continues....well it never really ended.
There are so many other important issues going on in this country that need and should be addressed by congress, but they don't seem to have time or an interest in important things like, creating jobs, reducing the unemployment rate, regulating the oil industry, regulating Wall Street and the big banks, fixing the tax code so that rich people pay their fair share ect. Instead our government is on a vagina and contraception kick and it is spreading to other states like a bad case of herpes.
In 2011, Mississippi introduced a "Personhood Amendment" which would have declared that life begins at fertilization. This amendment would have also made birth-control, contraceptives and abortions illegal. The religious and medical communities were divided on this issue. In November 2011, when put on the ballot as "Proposal 26" the voters ultimately struck it down. But the fight didn't stop there. It just moved to other states.
In 2012, The Virginia legislature introduced a similar bill only a bit more extreme. This bill would have
forced a woman seeking an abortion to undergo a trans-vaginal ultrasound. For those not familiar with what a trans-vaginal ultrasound is, let me explain. A phallus shaped probe with a condom covering it, is inserted into the woman's vagina and ultrasound is obtained via the probe inside the woman's vagina. The ultrasound tech/doctor would then aim the ultrasound screen at the woman and describe the state of the fetus, heartbeat ect and the woman would have to look at the screen.
This bill caused nation wide outrage, as it should have. This forced trans-vaginal ultrasound amounts to state mandated rape. Rape is defined by the FBI as and (many states) is
“Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”
This bill, if it were made in to law, would fit the criteria and definition of rape and has been described as "state-mandated rape." So after the nationwide outcry, the Virginia Governor, Robert McDonnell dropped his support for the trans-vaginal/anti-abortion bill. Here is his statement:
I am pro-life. I believe deeply in the sanctity of innocent human life and believe governments have a duty to protect human life. The more our society embraces a culture of life for all people, the better country we will have. Over the course of my 20-year career in elected office, I have been glad to play a leading role in putting in place common-sense policies that protect and defend innocent human life in the Commonwealth. One of those bills was Virginia’s informed consent statute, of which I was the chief patron in the House of Delegates, finally seeing its passage in 2001. This session, the General Assembly is now considering amending this informed consent statute to include a requirement that any woman seeking an abortion receive an ultrasound in order to establish the gestational age for appropriate medical purposes, and to offer a woman the opportunity to voluntarily review that ultrasound prior to giving her legal informed consent to abortion.
Over the past days I have discussed the specific language of the proposed legislation with other governors, physicians, attorneys, legislators, advocacy groups, and citizens. It is apparent that several amendments to the proposed legislation are needed to address various medical and legal issues which have arisen. It is clear that in the majority of cases, a routine external, transabdominal ultrasound is sufficient to meet the bills stated purpose, that is, to determine gestational age. I have come to understand that the medical practice and standard of care currently guide physicians to use other procedures to find the gestational age of the child, when abdominal ultrasounds cannot do so. Determining gestational age is essential for legal reasons, to know the trimester of the pregnancy in order to comply with the law, and for medical reasons as well.
Thus, having looked at the current proposal, I believe there is no need to direct by statute that further invasive ultrasound procedures be done. Mandating an invasive procedure in order to give informed consent is not a proper role for the state. No person should be directed to undergo an invasive procedure by the state, without their consent, as a precondition to another medical procedure.
For this reason, I have recommended to the General Assembly a series of amendments to this bill. I am requesting that the General Assembly amend this bill to explicitly state that no woman in Virginia will have to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound involuntarily. I am asking the General Assembly to state in this legislation that only a transabdominal, or external, ultrasound will be required to satisfy the requirements to determine gestational age. Should a doctor determine that another form of ultrasound may be necessary to provide the necessary images and information that will be an issue for the doctor and the patient. The government will have no role in that medical decision.
I have requested other amendments that help clarify the purposes of the bill and reflect a better understanding of prevailing medical practices. It is my hope that the members of the General Assembly will act favorably upon these recommendations from our office. We will await their action prior to making any further comments on this matter.”
Seeing the outrage and backlash this bill has received, even from some pro-life supporters you would think this bill would never see the light of day. Nope. Now its just making its way to another state, my state to be exact, Michigan. Below is a breakdown of Michigan's Anti-Choice Legislation:
SB 0013--Fetal Personhood
● This bill would amend the state’s legal code to include “fetus” as part of the definition
of “individual” in every part of the law. Expanding the legal definition of a person to
include “fetus” has obvious implications for abortion rights.
SB 0025/HB 4119--Disposal of Fetal Remains
● This bill, regulating the disposal of fetal remains, would likely be used to further hamper clinics’ ability to function by creating tighter regulations. It could also have questionable implications for women suffering miscarriages.
SB 0051--Prohibits Research on Aborted Embryos and Fetuses
SB 0135--Parental Notification for Abortion
● This bill would strengthen the parental notification laws by making it impossible for a minor to appeal a court’s decision not to grant a waiver to the parental notification law (it is already law in MI that minors must have parental notification to obtain an abortion).
SB 0313/HB 4433--Ultrasound Equipment
● This bill would mandate that a woman receive an ultrasound using “the most
technologically advanced equipment available” a minimum of two hours prior to
obtaining an abortion. It would also require that the monitor be turned toward the
woman, and that the doctor (or technician) give a detailed description of the current fetal development during the ultrasound.
SB 0420/HB 4688--Prescription of Medical Abortion
● Prohibits the prescription of drugs to chemically induce abortion without a prior physical examination.
SB 0523/HB 4715--Regulating Abortions After 19 Weeks
● This bill would mandate that all abortions post-19 weeks take place in a facility with a neonatal care unit, to potentially save the life of an infant that was delivered alive after an attempted abortion. In addition to the obliviously problematic implications of trying to “save” aborted fetuses, this would severely limit the availability of such late term abortions (which are nearly always done for serious health reasons).
SB 0612, 0613, 0614/HB 4143, 4147, 4776--Insurance
● All prohibit the coverage of abortion via state health insurance, except through the purchase of an additional rider (which does not actually exist as an option).
SB 0876--Liability Insurance for Abortion Providers
● Strengthens the requirements for liability insurance for abortion providers, making it more difficult for physicians to provide abortions.
HB 4799--Prohibition of “Coercive” Abortion
● This bill would make it a crime to coerce a woman to have an abortion against her will, and could target--among others--any spouse/partner (or parent of a minor) who encouraged a woman to seek an abortion (though it is perfectly legal to coerce a woman not to have an abortion).
● Additionally HB 5134 would mandate an “oral screening” of all abortion-seeking women to determine whether they were being coerced into their decision, and a further 24-hour waiting period would be enforced if the screening revealed evidence of coercion.
HB 5242--State Funding for Abortion Providers
● This bill would prohibit any state contracting with facilities that provide abortion. No hospitals or clinics which provide abortion as even a tiny portion of their services would be eligible for any state funds or contracts.
HB 5343--”Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”![](
● This bill would prohibit all abortions at 20 weeks gestation and beyond, except in cases where death of the mother would otherwise result. The bill specifically spells out that emotional and psychological concerns do not count as medical reasons for abortion, and that the threat of suicide does not qualify as a threat to the mother’s life.
I was always told that the GOP stood for small government. It seems as if the only thing they seem to care about is what people do with their genitals, in their bedroom, who they marry, abortion and contraception. So I guess in a way the GOP is living up to small government. Small enough to fit in a woman's vagina. Which also means they are living up to the name that many people call them: douche-bags.
Hey after all, douches fit in a woman's vagina....